Enter the Festival

Entries closed


Entries closed 🎬

Entries for the 2024 film festival have now closed.

We are inviting anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by drug or alcohol use (individuals, family members, friends, professionals) to make a film of one to three minutes in length and submit it for inclusion in the festival.

The Recovery Street Film Festivals objective is to create a communication channel between people with experience of substance use and recovery and the wider general public. We want to help reduce the stigma by enabling everyone to view and listen to the stories of people affected by recovery. We also hope the films will encourage people in need to recognise issues and seek treatment.

The judges will be looking for the most original and imaginative approaches to telling stories of recovery, and films should show a link to our theme of the year, ‘Belonging’. The film should aim to make an immediate impact on the audience. Films could be short dramatic plays, using actors, drawn or stop-frame animation, documentary style pieces, personal stories etc. The message that we want the films to convey is one of positivity and hope: recovery from drug and alcohol use is possible and is happening all around us.

Make sure you’ve read all about our theme and full competition information.


The information shared in the form above could be shared on this website at a later date if your entry is shortlisted. 

Winners of the 2023 Recovery Street Film Festival

“The Detox Factor was created off the back of the RSFF 2022, which we came 3rd place. Since then it has grown from strength to strength, becoming an ongoing creative hub to help the addict who still suffers.

It has become its own entity and we managed to grab the gold in 2023 for “Look at Where I Came From”. The short film was created from the sum of everybody’s individual talents and efforts. We’re looking forwards to 2024.

We’ve reached out and touched the sky, now we’re heading for the stars!”

〰 The Detox Factor